Postdoctorados anteriores

Postdoctorados anteriores

Francisco Westermaier Lafuente
Estudio de adenosina y su sistema transduccional en la cardiomiopatía diabética

Denisse Valladares Ide
Modulación de la autofagia por el receptor de inositol trifosfato (IP3R) en distrofia muscular de Duchenne

Christian Pennanen Saavedra
Communication between endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria in the development of cardiac hypertrophy

Clear lakes Quiroga
Role of the transcription factor Foxo1 on regulation of metabolism and mitochondrial Dynamics induced by insulin

Raul Vivar
The differential regulation of FoxO1 and FoxO3a by TGF-beta1, modulates both differentiation and activity increase antiapoptótica/antioxidant of cardiac fibroblasts

Soni Shaikh
The role of STIM1-Orai1 on the regulation of cardiomyocyte autophagy

Jaime Riquelme Meléndez
Role of exosomes from of endothelial cells in the dexmedetomidine-induced myocardial preconditioning

Roberto Bravo-Sagua
Calcium-sensing receptor and its effect on inflammation and adipogenesis in visceral preadipocitos: role of mitochondria

Pablo Daniel Aránguiz Urroz
Importance of the Polycystin-1 of the cardiomyocyte cell death and reparative fibrosis induced by cardiac ischemia-reperfusion

Myra Chavez
The role of mitophagy in zebrafish cardiac regeneration

Jimena Castillo Bennett
Study of the changes in the intracellular location of Caveolin-1 during hypoxia and its relation to the inhibition of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and hypoxia-induced factor, HIF-1

Areli Cárdenas Oyarzo
Interaction of par-3 with syndecan-4 induced by thy-1 is involved in astrocyte migration

Raul Lakes
Switch of cell adhesion-to-migration induced by thy-1 engagement of integrins and syndecan-4 in astrocytes

Marianne Brenet Rivas
Role of mitochondrial energy metabolism and mitochondrial localization in stimulated cell migration

Natalia Bustamante Ara
Estudio Longitudinal de la capacidad funcional, physical performance and physical activity of older adults Chilean. Sub-muestra cohorte MAUCO.

Patricia García
Identification of activated tyrosine kinase signaling pathways associated with drug-resistant phenotype of gallbladder cancer by SILAC-based quantitative phosphoproteomics.

Carolina Bizama
Identification and validation of prognostic biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets of the Hippo signaling pathway in gallbladder cancer patients.

Ana Riveros Salvatierra
How do they affect the gold nanovarillas Functionalized with the peptide CLPFFD penetration, feasibility and signalling in neuronal cultures?

Natalia Hassan Lopez
Microfluidics for the formation of nanoparticles magneto-plasmonicas Functionalized with biomolecules for applications in nanomedicine

Rodrigo Torres de la Fuente
Natural products such as reducing and stabilizing agents in the control of the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles Functionalized with peptides for potential biopaplicaciones

Manuel Valenzuela Valderrama
Study of the molecular mechanisms involved in the genesis of gastric cancer associated with infection by Helicobacter pylori

Simon Guerrero Rivera
Evaluating the potential of gold nanoparticles to track melanoma metastasis in vivo

Mere Claudia Queen
Pulmonary arterial hypertension: role of protein kinase rock and mitochondrial dysfunction

Claudia Foerster
Exposure to aflatoxin in the cohort of Maule (MAUCO), Molina, Chile

Ariel Warrior
Metallic nanoparticles as a tool for the detection of biomarkers using amplified by plasmon spectroscopy

Iva Polakovicova
Role of Gastric Cancer Exosomes in the Pathogenesis of Gastric Carcinoma

Jimena Bravo Ortega
Evaluating the role of autophagy in gastric cancer

Julián Bejarano
Nanosystems lipid or polymer nanoparticle etalicas to increase stability and control the release of active peptides

Marcelo Rodríguez Peña
Evaluating the role of Nogo as a reticulon in the ER

Mario Bustamante Parraguez
Modulación de la autofagia del cardiomiocito por angiotensina-(1-9) en un modelo de hipertensión arterial

Ana Batista
Control of hyperphagy-induced obesity in POMC neurons: a crosstalk between autophagy and primary cilia

Cecilia Arriagada Mmberg
2017 – 2019

Luis Solano Román
2017 – 2019

Patricio Abel Silva Andades
Primary cilia involvement in hypoxia-induced fibroblast migration
2017 – 2019

Alexis Diaz
Regulation of endoplasmic reticulum in skeletal muscle mitochondria mesh
2018 – 2019

Paula Diaz Rodriguez
Role of Caveolin-1 as modulator of PERK at the endoplasmic reticulum during the unfolded protein response (UPR). A mechanism linking UPR to Caveolin-1 downregulation in cáncer
2017 – 2021

Ramón Pérez Nuñez
Astrocytes in a proinflammatory context increase cell adhesion by regulating the activation of RhoA through the phosphorylation of Rho modulators by PKC alpha
2017 – 2021

Rodrigo Alfredo Sierpe Bustamante
Coupling of gold nanoparticles anisotropic on thin films for the development of new biosensors plasmonicos
2018 – 2021

Daniel Alejandro Peña Oyarzún
Sucralose inhibits autophageal degradation of narrow and adherent joints in in vitro and ex vivo models of periodontitis
2019 – 2021

Jorge Díaz Fuentes
Increased expression of avb3 integrin and syndecan-4 is controlled by the Rab/Arf-endocytic pathway in reactive astrocytes
2017 – 2022

Daniela Báez Mercado
Desarrollo de Micromotores de grafeno-Metal para la detección de ADN metilado como biomarcador
2017 – 2022

Jenny Ruedrlinger Standen
Exploring the link between processed meat consumption and chronic inflammation, and its potential implications in gastric cancer: A population and mechanistic approach
2018 – 2022

Alejandra Sandoval Bórquez
The role of the Angiotensin II type 2 receptor in the molecular pathogenesis of gastric cancer
2018 – 2022

Camila López Crisosto
Efectos de la modulación del receptor de estrógenos sobre el metabolismo mitocondrial en hipertensión arterial pulmonar
2018 – 2022

Lorena Oróstica Arévalo
The role of the pro-inflammatory environment in triggering Caveolin-1 expression and the progression of gallbladder cancer” (ranked Nr.2 in study section medicine G1).
2018 – 2022

María Paz Oyarzún Medina
Nanopartículas de Ag@SiO2 y Au@SiO2 para la detección de beta amiloide mediante espectroscopía de fluorescencia amplificada por plasmón
2018 – 2022

America Vanessa Campos Gonzalez
Role of exosomes in cancer

Rances White
Interaction between Human Papillomavirus and EBV in oral and cervical cancer

Francisco Morales
Nuevos peptidomiméticos de angiotensina-(1-9) para prevenir y/o atenuar desarrollo de fibrogénesis cardiaca

Italo Arnoldo Moglia Fernandez
Ferritin as a nanoplataform for obtaining copper sulfide nanoparticles with photothermal properties

Layla Simón
Phlorotannin-rich extracts obtained of Chilean brown seaweeds inhibit Caveolin-1-induced glycolysis and the metastatic potential of cancer cells